In which Erika describes bits of our lives for those who care.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Rising Star

Dave and I got hooked on the most recent season of The Next Food Network Star (yay for Jeff!), and noticed that many of the top contenders shared emotionally charged memories about cooking with their families. Apparently this is one of the key ingredients for an all-star cooking show host. So, since we want to give our children every opportunity, we decided to let Rolland have a go with his apron (homemade by Grandma) and a couple plastic eggs.

Besides the obvious momentum from his adoring parents, he was inspired by a recent library find (Two Eggs Please) and the Word World episode in which the letters B-I-R-D fall out of a cracked open egg and the characters squish them together to create a baby bird. I'm not sure how well he understands that a scrambled egg means no baby bird, but we'll deal with that when it's time. For now, I think we'll start with the importance of pants.

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