In which Erika describes bits of our lives for those who care.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


I'm surprised that my mom and dad have not been posting more pictures of me!

After all, I am adorable.

Actually, it is kind of upsetting to think about.

Oh well, guess I'll just be patient... and "peace"ful.

-Rolland Pax

(Of course, he didn't right this, but it is funny to imagine, right?!)

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Enough Suspense

His name is Rolland Pax Sterken.

It means "Renowned Land of Peace and Strength."

From the Daddy,
Our inspiration came from Isa. 30:15 "This is what the Sovereign LORD, the Holy One of Israel, says: "In repentance and rest is your salvation, in quietness and trust is your strength..."

We pray that he will find strength through the peace of/with God (Heaven, the renowned land)

Erika will probably write more when she is up to it :-)


This is the best "mountain top" that we could find so shout from:
Our son is born!! December 9, 2008 at 7:45am; 20.5 inches, 8 lbs, 10 ozs.
Pictures are on the way.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Not What We Expected

Yesterday we expected that:
  • Dave would go to work,
  • Erika would have a non-stress test appointment, and
  • we would have a nice, relaxing Friday evening together.
Here's what really happened:
  • Dave went to work. So far, so good, but
  • Erika drove into a snowy ditch on the way to her appointment, so
  • Dave got the rest of the day off work to help his overdue wife out of the ditch, which meant that
  • Dave got to go to the non-stress test appointment with Erika, which was good because
  • the test showed that Erika was having contractions 2 minutes apart, so
  • we got sent over to the Labor and Delivery triage area, where
  • we spent over 2 hours confirming that Erika was not actually in labor or anywhere near having a baby, after which
  • we went home and had a nice, relaxing Friday evening together.
I guess we weren't that far off.