In which Erika describes bits of our lives for those who care.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

1st Day of School

Today was the first day of school for every student and teacher I know in Michigan, and that includes Dave. He left the house at 6:30am and got home around 6:00pm. He ate supper, put Rolland to bed, and worked on lesson plans till now (10:30), and I wouldn't be surprised if he does that every day this week and the next...until he starts his next grad class. Ufda. We'd appreciate prayers for stamina and creativity for both of us. Having summers off is a great benefit for teachers, but jumping back into school is a real kick in the pants.

In other news, when I told Rolland it was time to go home from the park today, he picked up the ball and brought it over to the stroller to put away without being asked. Not earth-shattering, but a very nice gesture for a 2-year-old. He got 3 pebbles in his "Good Boy" jar for that one.

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