In which Erika describes bits of our lives for those who care.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Oh, the Irony

About once a week the kids and I walk to the library. It's a good 30-40 minute walk one way, so it's a good workout for me and a fun change of scenery for the kids. Win-win.

Last time we went, we were about 3 minutes away from our destination when Rolland announced that he had to go to the bathroom . I asked him to hold it, and kicked my walking up to "maximum hip wiggle." We sped down the street with our double-wide stroller, through the doors, straight into the bathroom--and he made it! Hooray for the almost-potty-trained-two-year-old!

After that notable victory we headed to the children's section to do our usual library activities: me to exchange bedtime books, and him to click randomly on whatever game is up on the kids' computer. (He has no idea what he's doing, but he loves it.)

I made my selections and went over to see how he was doing, at which point I noticed that his thickly cushioned chair was soaking wet. And, what's this?, the chair next to him was also completely wet, as were, not surprisingly, his pants and underpants. I timidly approached the librarian who graciously assured me that this happens "well, not all the time, but it does happen" and speedily removed and replaced the chairs. Meanwhile, I escorted Rolland (and Opal, still in the double stroller) back to the bathroom where I fitted him with the one large diaper I'd brought, while standing on his paper towel wrapped pants. Unfortunately I hadn't brought an extra pair; fortunately this particular pair is made out of some sort of parachute material that dries fairly quickly after wrapping, standing, and vigorous flapping.

Finally, we headed out to the front desk to check out our books and exit the premises without further contamination. I located my card, piled the books on the counter, and--"Mommy, I have to go potty." What? Are you serious? But you don't second guess at that point, so back we went--Rolland, Opal, the stroller, and me--for our third visit to the library bathroom. Perhaps most surprisingly, he wasn't kidding. He really had to go. Good for him.

So, once again, we went back to the desk to re-unload the books, re-find my card, and finally check out with the same lady who'd replaced the chairs. As she opened my account she glanced at the screen and said, "Oh, it looks like the book you requested is here." So, as I'm rocking the stroller back and forth to keep Opal happy and watching the fish tank to make sure Rolland doesn't dive in, the friendly librarian scans and hands me...wait for it...The Busy Mom's Guide to a Happy and Organized Home. We both smiled.

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