We are certain that God is leading us to ministry in Croatia, but going with a faith-based organizations means waiting and asking for funds to support that work. I thought I would share some reflections on how my attitude has changed from "we are begging for money" to "we are offering opportunities."
As I do the math on our ministry budget there are two things are that are clear to me:
1) This is God's work and as I heard a pastor say: "God's will, God's bill." (It is beyond us!)
2) God works through people. (Money doesn't grow on trees)
Some years ago my mom went into the hospital, and after a few days my dad made an observation that I have not forgotten. God could have healed my mom through prayer, or sent a pastor to heal her through the
laying on of hands, or some other miracle. He didn't. Instead, God sent many people from the church and our family who sat with her, encouraged her, and supported her when she came back home. By using many people God multiplied the blessing of my mom's recovery.
I can see God working in the same way for Erika and me (
Really, God is working for the MKs and the unreached that we are going to serve) .
If somebody gave us a check today for $468,000 we could finalize plans to move to Croatia for our first term, but who would go with us? As of today we have at least 52 committed prayer partners, 23 committed monthly givers, a loving church, and many other supporters who have given us gifts and great encouragement. All of these people will go with us (in God's eyes and in our hearts) when we begin to minister in Croatia.
Just like God brought together a team of people when my mom was in need, we can see Him bringing a together a team of people to support the ministry to MKs. As we leave for Croatia and as we see lives changed it will not be to our credit nor for our encouragement alone. God is multiplying the blessing of His work!
P.S. We are creeping closer to having half of our monthly financial needs met. We still have a match-grant available for new ongoing supporters. Praise God for His provision!