In which Erika describes bits of our lives for those who care.

Monday, August 25, 2008

Greetings from Stroopie. He started kicking as I was sitting here staring at the blank screen as if to say, "Let's go, Mom. You don't have all day." No time for writer's block when you have a kid--or a fetus--apparently.

I read today that my uteris has graduated from soccer ball to basketball. I didn't realize there was much of a size difference between those balls, and I'm not convinced I'm WNBA material yet, from the number of people who tell me I "don't look pregnant," and I "certainly couldn't be entering my 3rd trimester." On the other hand, no one noticed my haircut yesterday in church, so I'm a little curious what people see when they look at me. I was dreading all the helpful comments from people who would try to make me feel better about my middle-aged-woman-wannabe-80s-rockstar haircut, but it was a nonissue...which didn't make me feel better.

Here's a pic taken 2 days ago, which shows both belly and new hair cut. I don't fully understand why beauticians like to blowdry my hair straight and then curl it, because I'm pretty sure that when I leave it alone it comes out just as curly, but that has very little to do with the size of my belly, so I'll move on.
This one was taken this afternoon. Maybe it's just my posture that affects my ABS ("apparent belly size").


Megan said...

erika you are so funny.

a. i knew you couldn't make it all the way down here. and believe me, we'd be there in a second if we could! (it's just not wise!)

b. you do look pregnant. just not nearly as pregnant as you are. you must have a long torso and whatever else they say about women that have lots of room for their baby so they don't look like they are going to fall over. no worries. you'll get there :)

c. stylists always try to straighten my hair too. they always do a bad job anyway, so sometimes, i just tell them to skip drying it altogether.


Eva said...

You look cute Erika!