In which Erika describes bits of our lives for those who care.

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Dave and I started reading the book Wild Things a couple weeks ago. It's about parenting boys, and when we began it all seemed so theoretical to me. But it's funny--within the past week Rolland has entered a new phase of his boyhood, and suddenly I'm a lot more motivated to read the book.

Used to be on snowy, blowy days we could find plenty to keep us amused inside all day long. Last Tuesday Rolland had so much energy to burn that I sent him outside alone while Opal and I watched from behind the (closed) slider while he shoveled the lawn and abandoned his soaking wet gloves.

Used to be going to a restaurant was a fun family experience during which Rolland would quietly observe his surroundings while Dave and I encouraged him to try exotic food. Last night Rolland refused to stay in his seat until we threatened punishment, asked questions like, "IS THIS MY RESTAURANT VOICE?" and greeted our waiter with, "Hey, guy!"

I should've known this was coming. I think it typically happens sooner. We never experienced anything approaching "terrible" during his entire 2-year-old year--and this certainly isn't terrible. In fact, it's most often hilarious. He's getting to be such a smart little stinker. But I'm finding that an increase in his energy demands an increase in mine. I guess that's what happens, though. You pass Level One, the tetriminos start falling faster, and you've got to keep up. God, be our strength!

December 2008

December 2009

December 2010

December 2011

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Rolland Says

Rolland has two teachers at BSF (the weekly Bible study that I go to--I highly recommend it if you can find one in your area) Their names are Mrs. Grifhorst and Mrs. Wizwary. Dave still doesn't believe me and makes Hogwarts jokes when I talk about them. But Rolland likes them, and that's what matters. In fact, I had this conversation with him just last Wednesday at lunch:

Rolland: We're doing a good job staying seated!
Me: Oh? Who tells you to "stay seated"?
Rolland: Mrs. Grifhorst.
Me: Ah, she's very nice. Do you like her?
Rolland: I LOVE Mrs. Grifhorst...(thoughtful pause)...but usually horses don't come to class.

So, I'll be sure to emphasize that last "t" in her name from now on. I wonder what he thinks a Grif Horse is. Similar to a unicorn?

Speaking of lunchtime conversations, we had one today. Well, it was more of an "incident" than a conversation. He gets (and I am not proud of this) candy when he goes pee-pee in the potty. He did so today and looked forward to his half of a mini Snickers bar for lunch dessert. Soup gone, I gave him the chocolate and left the table to work in the kitchen. He was quiet for a long time--probably 10 minutes--when all of a sudden he burst into tears.

Me: Rolland! What's wrong?
Rolland: (sobbing) I didn't want to swallow!

Kid knows how to savor. Dave says he's "such a first child." The kind that turns candy canes into weapons. En garde!

Last one. This evening Dave and I were having a conversation about Tim Tebow, whom we admire. Rolland wanted to join in so, like any mom, I immediately explained that Tebow does nice things for people because he wants to be like Jesus (and don't you want to be like Jesus, too, my son?). Somehow this reminded him of a cartoon where a shepherd saves a sheep. We must've told him that the shepherd was like Jesus, because before I knew it he was asking why the shepherd had to buy football tickets for people. Sigh.

In other news, here are some photos I took for Rolland's passport app. You're not supposed to smile! Boo.

And a fun snack we made today.
Snowflake tortillas!

Sunday, January 8, 2012

What We Did Saturday Night

When I think back to what I used to do on Saturday nights, I wonder why I wasted my time. Getting dressed, going out, and staying up late don't hold a candle to getting comfortable, trying a new recipe, and hanging out with the fam. Ahh, I feel relaxed just thinking about it.

Last night we had Poutine, a Canadian dish layering fries, cheese, and gravy. Here's the recipe I used: Poutine. The gravy was great. I think I'll cheat on the 'taters next time. Our house still smells like fried.

Then we turned on the game, but we don't like commercials, so Dave did a little surfing, and what should be on but...The Lawrence Welk Show!!! So, the Sterken family sat around the TV on a Saturday night and enjoyed a variety of singing, dancing, and big band entertainment. Rolland's favorites were the accordion and the saxophone. I enjoyed the 70s eye make up, the pink leisure suits, the soft focus on the close up camera shots, etc. But my highlight was when I asked, "Rolland, would you like to learn to tap dance?" and he said, "Yes." Hooray! All my dreams are coming true!

After that good time, Opal's night took a turn for the awesome when we gave baths. No matter where she is or what she's doing, when Opal hears the bathtub faucet turn on, she immediately bursts into tears and starts crawl-lunging toward the bathroom at top speed. She continues crying and flailing desperately until we manage to fight her clothes off and get her in the tub, at which point she switches instantly to laughing, splashing, and stealing all of Rolland's bath crayons. (You can see her going for them in the picture, following).

Unfortunately, Dave's night didn't end as he'd hoped when the Lions managed to "snatch defeat from the jaws of victory" (thanks for the line, Dad) and we ended up going to bed after 11:00 pm, (thanks for the late games, Eastern Standard Timezone--boo).

But, still, it was way better than back when we were "young and free." I mean, what beats this?:

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Cousin Concert

Look out Grand Ole Opry. (Zooey is holding a microphone. Rolland is on the air ukulele, I guess.)

Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Years Resolution

Resolution: Become the kind of person who posts Christmas pictures before January 1. (Who am I kidding? That will require an act of God, not my own resolve.)

Nonetheless, this was our Christmas 2011:

Early Christmas with Grandpa and Grandma Sterken

Flying to Colorado

Rolland did great with both Zooey and Jack.

Zooey turned 4 while we were there!

Good thing we left Michigan to find some snow.

Happy Hanukkah! (We only celebrated the 2nd night.)

Our best group pic. Sigh.

Fun with chores.

This is the closest we got to a hike...or the mountains.

On our way to the Christmas Day service. Dave was pumped!

My favorite family picture of the year.