In which Erika describes bits of our lives for those who care.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Yesterday Rolland pronounced the word “orange” correctly. I almost cried. Not tears of joy or pride, but of wistfulness. My little boy no longer says “or-jin,” “yo-grit” (yogurt), or “o-me-o” (oatmeal). Sigh.

Fortunately, as a Bible-focused family we have a ready source of difficult words. Words like Thessalonians, Achaia, and Eutychus. (Can you tell I’m studying Acts?) And, fortunately, numbers still present an amusing challenge. Not only can Rolland not pronounce “thirteen” (He says: “th-th-th-fourteen!”), but his counting from 10 to 20 goes something like this:

Ten, eleven, fourteen, nineteen, eleventeen, twelve, fourteen, TWENTY!

Yep, some numbers make the list twice, and eleventeen is always included with gusto. Why do kids never say “twelveteen”?

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