In which Erika describes bits of our lives for those who care.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009


As new parents, Erika and I have been faced with some unforeseen challenges. We have learned to type one-handed, for example. We have also redefined what "clean" means when talking about clothes. Best of all, we are learning how much we love Rolland! Another thing we appreciate is the car seat. At the beginning of the month we drove with Rollie to South Dakota. What did people do before car seats? I guess the pioneers must have just packed their babies up and put 'em on the stagecoach.


Eva said...

HA! That's a nice carseat guys...

Anonymous said...

I'm told I learned to sit up in the back seat when I was 6 months old on the way to Seattle. Just sitting on the seat and we survived!