In which Erika describes bits of our lives for those who care.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Bible Study

Rolland has been studying hard the last few weeks. First, he worked on Bible Studies from 1 Thessalonians for the MK Camp website with Dad. Then, it was time to help Mom work on mailings for our supporters. He was tired, but Rollie still managed to find time to do some lexicon work for Dad's sermon preparation! Now, we just need to get the Bible Studies posted on-line, the letters in the mail, and we need to find more churches for Dave to present in.


Megan said...

ok, i know you're going for the nerd look, or the nerdy and attractively intelligent look, but i HAVE to be the first one to comment that he looks like harry potter. right? i love being first.

he's the sweetest harry potter i've ever seen!


Eva said...

No Megan! I was totally going to say that. I thought I would be the only one to make that connection!!! Man.
Daverika, I thought that as soon as I saw him too, obviously. Very cute.