In which Erika describes bits of our lives for those who care.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Gender Issues

This week marks the half-way point for our pregnancy, which means it's ultrasound time! This morning they gooped up my belly, pushed around on my full bladder, and revealed quite clearly that there's another boy to carry on the Sterken line! (We have proof, but we didn't feel totally comfortable displaying everything about our son on the internet. :)

We'd been thinking it seemed like God had given us more experiences with boys, but we often said "she" when we talked about him, so we wondered if our intuitions were taking over. Apparently not. This continues the boy-girl pattern for Dave's parents and gives Erika's one of each grandchild, so we're all excited.

We thought about having the doctor write down what it was and put it in an envelope so we could open it tomorrow for Erika's birthday, but we wanted to make sure we didn't miss a thing! As far as the actual medical reasons for having an ultrasound, everything looks normal and healthy. Thank You, Lord!


Anonymous said...

Zooey is so excited to have the official title:


thanks for the update :]

Eva said...

Woo hoo Erika and Dave. Stroopie Junior.

Megan said...

erika?! why in the world didn't i know you had a blog???? i hate to say this on my inaugural comment-post, but, you punk!
