In which Erika describes bits of our lives for those who care.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Rolland's Birthday Summary

He woke up to streamers, which he eventually ripped off in small pieces to make "money." And I thought Opal would be their biggest threat.

Then a chance to play with God's present to Rolland--our first real snow of the year!

Then work, work, work: inside to make rolled-up-buns for the party.

Daddy brought home cupcakes from Marge's to have after pizza. Yum!

Time to open some presents! Trains from the Nobles:

The next day: Party Time! (The rolled up buns came out perfectly. Phew!)

We had cowboy hash and quiche along with the buns. Sprinkles were optional, but encouraged.

We had 10 kids, plus parents. We did a little storytime with songs and reading, we made paper bag sheriff vests, and we played, played, played. Rolland spent most of the time riding his horse-head-on-a-stick around yelling, "Yee haw!" I think he had fun, so mission accomplished!

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