In which Erika describes bits of our lives for those who care.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Differing Motivations

Yesterday, Rolland got so frustrated with "tummy time" that he decided to do something about it. For the first time in his life he rolled over from tummy to backy... I mean back. Today is his fourth month birthday. After Dad changed an exceptionally dirty diaper Rolland celebrated by rolling over from his back to his front. One move while angry, another while happy.

Maybe it has something to do with his Grandma and Grandpa Noble. He waited two weeks after his due date to be born... just a day after the Nobles arrived in Grand Rapids. Now he learns two new feats of strength while in the Noble's home on Spring Break. Oh, and he has been sleeping all night.

Rolland's mom and dad also have new motivation. Our friends, the Ortizes, have finally got a moving date to Croatia. After being fully supported for almost a year, the paperwork and other details have come together fo them at last! We have been talking with our friends in Croatia and at SEND, and we have set our sights on February 2010 to make our move over there. Rolland is ready and it seems like Croatia is ready to receive us. Now all this left is for people to choose to join our financial support team, it is all about the motivation!


Eva said...

Way to go Rolly. My kids were both slow about rolling. And I'm glad that he's finally sleeping through the night for you.

April said...

Way to go Rollie...or should I refer to him as "Roll-e"? haha, get it, since he rolls:) I just realized that he's close in age to my nephew, so now I can use him as a gauge to what Rolland is up to. Ella, who's now 13 mos., has reverted to waking up once a night, adn she's hysterically did not roll over from back to stomach until she was like 11 months old (yeah, crawling, taking steps, but not rolling...funny). I miss you and am glad that you are getting a date set to go to Croatia. I wish we could do more financially, and perhaps we will someday, but we will keep praying for you!