In which Erika describes bits of our lives for those who care.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Training and Fun in Colorado

We're back from Colorado and the trip was, as Dave puts it, "profitable."

Our 2 weeks of pre-language training (no, we didn't learn a single word of Croatian) got us thinking about theories of language learning (almost everyone has the physical equipment needed to speak any language), responsibilities of language learning (if we're going to learn Croatian, WE have to make it happen, not our teachers), and tools for language learning (comprehension comes well before mimicry).

We also got to interact with missionaries from all sort of agencies who are going all over the world: Yemen, Slovenia, Dubai, Russia, Kyrgyzstan, etc. On top of that, we got to meet Juice and Beth, a couple around our age who are joining the same team we are (a few months sooner, probably). We'd heard a lot about them and were relieved that they lived up to their many compliments. So, now we've met everyone on our extremely likable team (what a blessing...and a relief)!

After the training we spent a week with my (Erika's) family in Colo Spgs. Since my oil-rigging brother was able to make it back from the North Sea, and my little sister (and husband and baby girl) recently moved to a closer apartment in town, it was quite the happy reunion. We celebrated several birthdays and patronized countless restaurants.

Upcoming events include an across-town move at the end of June and an ultrasound on July 1. Yes, we will try to find out what the gender is, and yes, we well tell everyone who cares...and probably a few who don't. :)

1 comment:

Eva said...

Good job Erika. See I read. Looking forward to hearing the gender. And don't forget to send us another letter b/c we still haven't got it. =)