Opal has learned to walk, gotten a ridiculous hair cut (sorry, I haven't taken any pics yet), and started saying "ba ba" on a regular basis (opinions differ as to what she means by it).
Rolland has stopped wearing diapers at night, and has responded to countless crises as either a Welsh fireman or a ping-pong playing sheriff (always in costume, of course).
I've walked a 5k, taken a trip to the ER, and become a little bit famous. (Click here. If you look closely you can see the right half of my face and my gray shoulder. I really had to lean just to get that much in the shot.)
Dave has survived a 4th-grade field trip to the Kalamazoo Air Zoo, turned 35, and hit a really good stride with teaching Colossians to our Sunday school class.
We've also secured tickets for both Croatia and Colorado and are trying to grasp how quickly the summer is coming, while feeling like these last 2 weeks of school will never end. Ever.
Oh, and I just got an email saying we didn't get the house. Whew! It was too cheap not to try, but it was kind of a fixer-upper.
In Grandpa and Grandma's garden
Easter Sunday
Making the right kind of friends
Trail ride. Yee haw!
Ready to roll