In which Erika describes bits of our lives for those who care.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Look Right!

Recent fun:

We acquired a piano from some friends who are moving. It's not in perfect tune, but the kids are already showing signs of prodigy, and I'm reliving my high school days when I played the piano instead of having friends. Ah, memories. :)

We recently walked to Family Fare for ice cream (instead of patronizing the nearby Country Sundae or Ice Cream Ally, who charge as much for a kid's cone as the grocery store does for a quart--easy decision). When we arrived, Rolland, as usual, jumped right into the firetruck cart while Opal rode in the stroller. About 3 minutes into the store, Opal started having a huge melt down for no apparent reason...until I realized she was doing everything in her baby power to get near that firetruck. As soon as I moved her, she was a happy as Spot the Fire Dog, and I enjoyed a moment of "This is exactly why I wanted kids!!!" They were so unbelievably cute in there together. The picture doesn't do justice.

Though Opal's actual birthday was on a Friday, we celebrated with G&G Sterken on Sunday after church. Here's the first look at her new Playmobile bus.

My parents came to visit for a fun-packed week that happened to land on Carol's birthday. Here we are at Meijer Gardens, just before we went to see the butterflies. Rolland was disappointed that they didn't land on the outstretched arm of a 3-year-old boy. I have new respect for the intelligence of insects. Nonetheless, we'll all wear sequins next time.

Lastly, in reference to the post title, when you're driving this Spring, don't forget to watch for bikers. I got "bonked" last night while riding with an empty trailer (Praise the Lord!!!). I'm bruised and sore, but fine. But, please pray for Ryan, the kid that hit me. I have no doubt he'll be the world's safest driver for the rest of the summer, but I hope he can let God use this jarring experience as an opportunity to draw him closer to Him.